AGENSO, established in 2016, is an innovative SME company based in Athens, Greece. Having as its ultimate mission to provide cutting-edge ICT solutions and services for smart agriculture, environment, water management, and smart cities, AGENSO develops hardware and software IoT tools, as well as decision support systems. Their integration in pioneering rural and industrial systems allows mitigating climate change, tackling barriers in the food production chain, addressing waste prevention and energy efficiency, under an integrated framework embracing fundamental core values of sustainability and circular economy, with particular emphasis in social responsibility. AGENSO’s corporate and partnership network consists of more than 400 private and public entities worldwide, which include industries, municipalities, farmers, farmers’ cooperatives, along with educational and research institutions. AGENSO has participated in 20 EU funded projects, and 10 National projects, while in 2020 was included in the 5 most promising startups among 1,116,000+ startups and emerging companies worldwide in StartUs Insights Platform for its water management systems like “Ardeusi”, a smart precision irrigation solution. AGENSO is also coordinating AccelWater, a 10 M € H2020 EU project for improving water efficiency in the food and beverage industry. Moreover, AGENSO’s portfolio includes the development of an agricultural robot, a smart urban lighting solution, several online multi-platform software apps, and numerous decision support systems for assisting various end-users and stakeholders.
Role in the project:
AGENSO is the WP leader of WP2 (AgriBIT requirements and Design) and WP6 (Pilots Demonstrators). AGENSO’s main tasks (T2.1, T3.1, T3.3, T4.1, T4.2, T5.5, T7.3) will be the demonstration of user requirements, analysis of SoA in GNSS and base solution architecture implementation, the integration of GNSS enablers for precision agriculture, the analysis of GNSS impact in agriculture, the customization options to common applications in modern agriculture, the application of multi layered model, the connection on-site of farming operations and the users engagement.