Welcome to the 4th Edition of the AgriBIT Newsletter! In this edition, we take pride incelebrating the unwavering dedication and collaborative spirit of our esteemedproject partners. The impact of our collective efforts is now palpable in the fields,marking a significant stride towards a future where precision agriculture thrives.From the inception of advanced tools and systems to the seamless integration ofcutting-edge technologies, AgriBIT continues to sow the seeds of sustainablesolutions, addressing the contemporary challenges faced by modern farming. Joinus as we delve into the milestones achieved and the promising developments thatare shaping the landscape of agriculture for generations to come!
The latest progress of the AgriBIT platform is related to the integration of crucial services such asYield Estimation, Crop Growth Monitoring and Drone Image Acquisition. The Yield Estimationservice offers yield forecasts based on various climate scenarios, which can be viewed via aninteractive map of the field. Crop Growth Monitoring provides detailed analysis of crop viabilitythrough satellite data, with regular updates and the ability to request data for specific dates.Additionally, we have implemented the Drone Image Acquisition feature, which allows users toupload custom images for a more detailed view of the fields. These tools represent a significantstep forward for AgriBIT, aimed at improving decision-making and operational capabilities in cropmanagement.
The latest progress of the AgriBIT platform is related to the integration of crucial services such asYield Estimation, Crop Growth Monitoring and Drone Image Acquisition. The Yield Estimationservice offers yield forecasts based on various climate scenarios, which can be viewed via aninteractive map of the field. Crop Growth Monitoring provides detailed analysis of crop viabilitythrough satellite data, with regular updates and the ability to request data for specific dates.Additionally, we have implemented the Drone Image Acquisition feature, which allows users toupload custom images for a more detailed view of the fields. These tools represent a significantstep forward for AgriBIT, aimed at improving decision-making and operational capabilities in cropmanagement.
Yield Estimation: Innovation and Precise Prediction
Our Yield Estimation service, now fully integrated into the platform, offers a detailed simulation ofcrop performance under different climate scenarios. Using the AquaCrop model, the serviceanalyzes 12 representative greenhouse gas concentration scenarios (RCPs), providing seasonalyield forecasts. This information is valuable to the user, allowing them to adapt irrigation and fieldmanagement strategies based on future climate projections.The image below shows the AgriBIT Yiedl Estimation interface. On the page it is possible to see aYield Estimation simulation which shows a detailed map of the field, enriched by a timeline chart,the chart shows lines corresponding to each yield estimation scenario. This visual tool provides animmediate and in-depth understanding of various projections and their impact on the crop.

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